
Being the students in the Object-Oriented Programming (OOP, INT2204 - 25) class at UET-VNU, we formed a team to complete this project as our major assignment.

This is a basic dictionary app, written in Java, strongly conforming to the Object-Oriented Programming paradigm and techniques that the Java Programming Language has to offer, or enforces.


Student ID Full Name GitHub Profile
22028235 Vũ Tùng Lâm https://github.com/laam-egg
22028167 Hoàng Văn Phi https://github.com/hoangvanphi2004
22028286 Nguyễn Hữu Phương https://github.com/png261
22028213 Đỗ Thái Sơn https://github.com/tsun165
22028182 Nguyễn Văn Thiện https://github.com/nvt18624


This is a dictionary app with basic features:

(TODO: Write the features here)

(TODO: Embed sample/demo images of the GUI here)

The app presents two interfaces to the user:

  1. The CLI (Command Line Interface): The user can run the JAR file in the command line to use the features mentioned above.
  2. The GUI (Graphical User Interface): The JAR file can be run directly, and a window with familiar graphical controls (such as dialogs, buttons, text boxes…) will be displayed to the user.

(TODO: Embed sample/demo images of the CLI here)


(TODO: Write this)

The latest version of the app can be downloaded at: …

(TODO: Write usage note for the CLI)


If you want to contribute to this project, first take a look at the project’s general information and coding convention in the file CONTRIBUTING.md.


This project and any software packages compiled from it is distributed under the 3-clause BSD license, which is written in the file LICENSE.txt.